Claim compensation rightfully owed to you for your landlord's failure to uphold the law !
One of the biggest problems tenants face is claiming their deposit back after the tenancy ends. One of the main missions of The Tenants’ Voice is to help tenants defend their rights and ensure that their deposit is protected by a government scheme. The landlord is responsible by law to protect your money in a deposit protection scheme within 30 days of receiving the money.
Thanks to our partnership with Deposit Recovery Claims, you can make a claim against your landlord in court and win compensation between 1-3x the original deposit.

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Get your claim filed and managed
Deposit Recovery Claims will do all the leg work. Your claim will be drafted, filed in court and managed from start to finish. All you have to do is cooperate with relevant information and documents.

No Win - No Fee
Deposit Recovery Claims will charge nothing to you if the claim does not win in court. If they win the case, DRC will deduct 25%, 35% or 50% for their services, depending on the case and negotiated in advance.

Get FREE consultation and advice
Your claim will be reviewed by professional lawyers for FREE. Deposit recovery claims will advise you on your situation regardless if you meet their criteria or not.

Specialist deposit recovery
Deposit Recovery Claims is one of few specialised solicitors who focus on helping tenants rightfully claim compensation for unprotected deposits.

Eligible for the last 6 years
You can seek compensation from previous landlords and older tenancies up to 6 years back. Your chance to win is still the same.

Win up to 3x the original deposit
If you have a successful claim, you can win 1-3x the original deposit as compensation, plus enforce the return of your money.
Deposit not protected ? - Claim compensation from your landlord !
You can claim compensation of 1-3x your deposit amount, if your landlord failed to protect your deposit !
Don't let your landlord abuse the rules ! Act now !
Why is deposit protection important ? To address the growing problem of deposit abuse, the government introduced tenancy deposit protection.
As of April the 6th, 2007, all landlords are required to protect their tenants’ deposits in a government-backed scheme. The scheme keeps the money separate from the landlord and the tenant and eliminates abuse by either side. At the end of the tenancy, the money is returned to the tenant, unless there are any deductions and disputes between tenant and landlord. In that case, the scheme provides a dispute resolution service for free.
Landlords are required to submit the money in one of three operating schemes in England in 30 days from your payment. If the landlord fails, they are liable to pay you compensation. Depending on the circumstances, you can win between 1x and 3x the deposit amount in addition to the original deposit !
Deposit Recovery Claims can handle your claim from start to finish
Deposit Recovery Claims are a specialist solicitor company which focuses on helping tenants claim their rightfully owned money and give bad landlords a lesson. You can get free advice and an assessment of your case. After consultation on your options, you can choose whether to go forward and file a claim in the county court.
Doing this yourself can be complicated and even stressful if you’re not already acquainted with the law and how to file court claims. Deposit Recovery Claims will happily offer their services to draft your claim, file it in your and manage the case until the end.
You don’t need to make any up-front payments, AND, if your claims for any reason, you pay nothing. Deposit Recovery Claims works on a no win – no fee basis, alleviating the risk of incurring extra legal costs in case of a negative outcome.
Each case is pre-vetted by Deposit Recovery Claims, so the likelihood of success for those that are brought to court is very high. When you win the case, Deposit Recovery Claims will deduct 25%, 35% or 50% of the awarded compensation and pass the rest to you. The exact fee will be negotiated and agreed upon in advance and will depend on the specific case.
Exercise your rights ! Check if your deposit is protected !
Many landlords try to go around the law and compromise on your security, safety and quality of life. Don’t let them walk away with your deposit in their pocket too ! Every tenant can check if their deposit is protected and confront their landlord. Just use the free deposit checker tool.
Is your deposit not protected ? The landlord has a maximum of 30 days to protect your money in a scheme, otherwise, they will be liable to pay you compensation.
Have there been more than 30 day already ? You are likely eligible to claim compensation from your landlord. Contact Deposit Recovery Claims and get your case reviewed.
Landlord didn't protect your deposit ? You can claim compensation from the court !
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